Sunday, August 29, 2010

Human power and grace run deep.

Does tumbling gymnast Damien Walters defy the limits of human physicality? Does he represent our potential as humans? Where do his abilities come from? Check out the link & if you feel like it, post your thoughts...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The job market: back to the drawing board...

Po Bronson writes, "The previous era of business was defined by the question, Where's the opportunity? I'm convinced that business success in the future starts with the question, What should I do with my life?...Asking The Question aspires to end the conflict between who you are and what you do. There is nothing more brave than filtering out the chatter that tells you to be someone you're not. There is nothing more genuine than breaking away from the chorus to learn the sound of your own voice. Asking The Question is nothing short of an act of courage: It requires a level of commitment and clarity that is almost foreign to our working lives."

How is who you are reflected in what you do? Any recent successes in filtering out the chatter that tells you to be someone you're not? Check out the link & if you feel like it, post your thoughts...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Human potential, realized.

"Most of us have those abilities. It's just that we don't use them." --Daniel E. Lieberman, Professor of Human Evolutionary Biology, on the Tarahumara ability to run amazingly long distances

Makes me wonder what potential each of us feels beneath the surface of our self-expression, just itching to come out. Is unmet human potential part of what makes us feel uncomfortable...that sense of longing for "something more" in our lives, and a knowledge that we have what it takes? What makes a person decide that once-held potential is no longer within reach? Check out the link & if you feel like it, post your thoughts...