Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Connection and belonging: 28 things to improve both.

I'm pretty convinced that underlying our desires to impress other people are hardwired longings for a sense of connectedness and belonging. This is a list of behaviors for getting more of both.

Check out the link & if you feel like it, post your thoughts...


  1. Mike, what a great post. I completely agree with you...I think that it is out longing to connect with people...our need for acceptance and our fear of rejection and lonliness that drive people to seek ways to impress. Most actions people take to attempt to garner validation and appreciation distract them from connections and, in fact, prevent any depth of relationship from emerging. I LOVED that the list of 50 things began with the idea of living an authentic life. Authenticity is so powerful and transfiguring. And I think is becoming so lost in our world where social scripts have become so powerful. Thanks for posting a great link!

  2. Hey Mike! This was a fantastic post! I loved reading the 28 things to improve and I felt like they were so true. What a reminder these things are that it can be the simplest things that really make the difference in who you are or in finding who you really are. Thanks for sharing this post... it was a great read for me to realize that I could do some work on making myself better! :) Keep these great posts and links coming!
