Thursday, September 16, 2010

Money ain't everything.

RSA Animate summarizes the research with an easy-to-follow dry erase board sketch: 3 factors that over and over have been shown to bring better performance and personal satisfaction. Autonomy. Mastery. Purpose. When it comes to problem-solving, relating, creating, & higher thinking processes, money doesn't cut it (and neither does praise).

So, in your own job (or better yet, in your life), how would you rate your experiences of autonomy, mastery, and purpose? Are there ways you can go after these three factors with clarity and intention? Do you ever feel like you have two in which you make your money and the other in which you get to do and be what you really want? Check out the link & if you feel like it, post your thoughts...


  1. Mike you have such good insight into things! It is so true that money is not everything but I do have to say that it seems to be needed in every which way you turn and does make life a little bit easier when its there! :)
    I enjoy reading your posts...although sometimes it seems to be way over my head. I guess I really don't think about the deep stuff. :)

  2. @ BRooKe: Thanks for your comments! I agree that money is necessary, and frankly, I want more. You'll never see me getting rid of twenties because my wallet doesn't feel comfortable in my pocket. :) Being a bit of a geek (which is a good thing, of course), I think about how people can lead with their passion and maybe find creative ways for material comfort to be a by-product. It seems like it's hard to do, because it can feel like swimming against society's current (and a struggling economy). Then again, maybe it's not so much about becoming the professional food critic because I love to eat, but talking about what I had for dinner last night at the factory's water cooler?...

    By the way, I happen to think you're deep!
