Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Strength of introversion III.

Dr. Laurie Helgoe: "Introversion is a preference, not a fallback plan. Introverts like being introverts. We are drawn to ideas, we are passionate observers, and for us, solitude is rich and generative. Think of all that goes on in the playground of solitude: daydreaming, reading, composing, meditating -- and just being, writing, calculating, fantasizing, thinking, praying, theorizing, imagining, drawing/painting/sculpting, inventing, researching, reflecting...."

Check out the link & if you feel like it, post your thoughts...

1 comment:

  1. The author of this article and interview confirms that we introverts are maybe okay after all. It begs the question: what is exactly "normal." According to these ideas, one would almost be proud to own up to being a bookworm or a recluse. Somehow being quiet and away from the maddening crowd is a good thing. The old cliche, "still waters run deep" is really the story about us, the introverts, and it is a pretty good one after all! Looks like there might be another book to add to my reading list as well.
